A club celebrating the diversity of the city of Derby through the love of Basketball

About Us

What makes us unique?

A club founded in early 2023 simply through the love of Basketball.

It started as a simple question "would you like to play sometime?" now boasts a weekly full court 5v5 scrimmage, ran either over 8 or 10 minute intervals with a minimum of three rotating teams.

We continue to quickly expand as we welcome ballers from across both cities of Derby and Nottingham.  Bringing in their rich diversity of culture and backgrounds.

Our mission is to bring Basketball to those that previously were not able to experience it whether through lack of numbers or ability to secure a venue, as well as offering the opportunity to socialise with like minded individuals.


#letsgoballers #community #brotherhood #togetherwearebasketball


Adult only 

Men and Women

Mixed ability




£5 per session

2 hours over 

2 full courts



Our Pillars

It's important that a Club has core values at its roots, we too as a committee recognise this and we endeavour to operate within our FIVE pillars.  To further the spirit of Basketball and ensure that inclusion, openness and progression remain paramount on all we do.


Being commited to the improvement of the team; showing up for practice and games, it does not mean every week but it does mean taking part and making a difference.  Being there when you say you will be there and getting involved and bringing ideas to the table.

Team Player

Players work together directly and simultaneously to attain a goal.  A team player prioritises attaining collective objectives over personal ambition.


Positional Awareness

Players maintain position or move into the right position to assist offensive and defensive plays.


Effective team communication is vital. Players communicate with each other verbally and nonverbally both on and off the court.  They use both language and body movements to convey ideas or give feedback. Communication can separate a good team from a great team, and talking helps players get on the same page and ensures that everyone is working together.


Recognises potential in all of us to improve; willing to share experience to help others grow and develop, as well as demonstrating openness to improve one’s skill through both practice and dedication.

📞 07967 003731 @ Karl

📞 07704 697467 @ Lukasz



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